
Self Defence Blog

3 Self Defence Tactics You Can Implement Today

3 Self Defence Tactics You Can Implement Today

| Andre Conate | Blog

I have heard a lot of self defence advice in my 20+ years practicing martial arts. There are a many great tips and there are many… not so great tips. I’ve heard my share of average advice and by average I mean, it’s highly unlikely that I would ever be in a situation where this is the best option to take.

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

| Rhiannon Mason | Blog

Happy international day for the elimination of violence against women!

Doesn’t quite sound right, does it?

Launching Regular Self Defence Classes for Women

Launching Regular Self Defence Classes for Women

| Andre Conate | Blog

You've been asking for it, we have been wanting to deliver it. Now it's actually going to happen! We are opening up a full time centre dedicated to teaching self defence.

Jo Stanley & Rachael Finch from The House of Wellness

Jo Stanley & Rachael Finch from The House of Wellness

| Andre Conate | Blog

On 20th of Feb 2019 I had the pleasure of recording a self defence course with Jo Stanley and Rachael Finch. 

Let me just say, it was a ball to meet these wonderful women and to share some of the most basic self defence skills with them.

How to set up your iPhone for emergencies correctly

How to set up your iPhone for emergencies correctly

| Andre Conate | Blog

I’m going to quickly show you how to set up your iPhone SOS and emergency feature.

Continue watching if you have an iPhone. Watch the rest of the video to learn how to set up your phone for emergencies.

Home Invasion Tips - Featured on Channel 10s The Project

Home Invasion Tips - Featured on Channel 10s The Project

| Andre Conate | Blog

On Monday 18th of Feb 2019 I received a phone call from Rose, a producer on channel 10’s The Project. She made me aware that there was an incident on the news about an intruder breaking into a house. After a scuffle with the homeowner the intruder died. Police are investigating the incident and took the homeowner in for questioning.

We discussed some points about self defence and what could people do to protect themselves. My advice to all people who want to learn basic self defence is simple.

Benefits of taking self defence courses for teenage girls

Benefits of taking self defence courses for teenage girls

| Andre Conate | Blog

I started self defence training as an 11 year old after my Dad told me about Taekwondo, a martial art that was similar to Karate. Yes, I was a big fan of The Karate Kid and I was obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so getting me involved in martial arts wasn't hard. In fact, as soon as I saw my first sparring session I was convinced that I would also be fighting in competitions. Now, I look back, and there were many benefits of learning self defence as a teenage girl.

Be Part of Our
Martial Arts Community

Self Defence Courses with Female Instructors

We are about creating a safe space where you can learn self defence

For private group bookings we can come to your location.

Melbourne, Altona, Albert Park, Kilmore, Yarraville and other areas around Melbourne Metro Area and Greater Melbourne.