On 20th of Feb 2019 I had the pleasure of recording a self defence course with Jo Stanley and Rachael Finch.
Let me just say, it was a ball to meet these wonderful women and to share some of the most basic self defence skills with them.
I could tell that this was going to be an interesting event as I had never recorded a course before. I’m not going to lie, I was a little excited!
Dale, the very encouraging camera operator, arrived first and began setting up his equipment. Jo arrived next along with Rachael and Ben the sound operator. Monique arrived quickly after them.
I had already begun warming up as I didn’t know what they would require of me. As this was primarily about self defence courses I didn’t feel the need to show any spinning kicks or other skills that were not relevant. So, once we got some basic instructions I was off and running. I basically had to take Jo and Rachael though a class similar to the way I would normally teach in real life. This was the easy part as I have been teaching martial arts and self defence for over 20 years.
The 3 hours we had was really interesting. I didn’t realise how many times we would need to repeat sections as they needed different angles for editing.
I think the day went very well. Jo and Rachael learned 3 basic skills and played around with the idea of movement with their new skills. We even got the ladies to throw each other! This was something I didn’t expect them to want to do but they were super keen. I loved their energy!
I did have a special surprise for them at the end – I didn’t care if they didn’t record this section. I thought it was important to have Jo and Rachael go through the process of a board break.
It’s not the board break that is impressive. Most people who do martial arts can break boards. It was the thought process behind a board break that I love to share.
You see, if you have something that is blocking you from living your best life, I think you need to acknowledge it. Be aware of it and work out what you want to do with that knowledge. For some people, being aware of it is enough. For others, they want to go past that and break habits that are blocking them. So, a board break is just one obstacle in your way. If you can break a board, you can break through your obstacle.
They wrote down something that is blocking them on the board. They took a deep breath and focused on their goal. Then, all you have to do is follow through with your strike.
Both Jo and Rachael broke their boards like pros.
I think they really enjoyed themselves and felt different after the course. Jo even went as far as to say that she went from having a victim mentality to having power in her body and knowing that she has the ability to fight back. THAT was amazing to hear. When I teach, I want the participant to know that they are capable. They have power too.
Overall, I thought it was a very interesting process. I can say that even though I’m not in front of the camera often. I did enjoy this day and learned a lot. I hope Jo and Rachael got as much out of it as I did. They are hilarious! Jo mentioned that there was a mental shift and it's something she will never forget. Watch the video to find out more
This House of Wellness (Season 3, Episode 8) aired Sunday 14th of April 2019, 9:30pm on Channel 7.
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